Our Ethos

SFH6 is a diverse community of students from many different cultures and backgrounds, learning and working together in an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect.

We have an ethos that encourages our students to be ambitious and to develop a clear sense of community.  While we value high academic achievement, and an increasing numbers of our students are gaining places at top research universities, we also value student progress at all levels and have had students who have moved successfully from Level 2 to Level 3 and on to higher education.

We know, value and support each student as individuals. In addition to high quality academic teaching we also ensure that all students are enabled to make progress through a comprehensive system of pastoral care.  Sixth Form Tutors have a central role in supporting students' academic progress and personal development. We expect SFH6 students to contribute to their school, the Sixth Form and beyond and we value all that they bring to the life of our community.  We encourage our students to behave as role models with maturity and consideration for others. SFH6 has an ethos of partnership, collaboration and cooperation between the two schools, our staff, governors, students and parents/carers with everyone encouraged to take a personal interest in our continual success.